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Sunday, April 28 2024

VBS Registration is now open! 

We'll be "Diving Into Friendship With God" with our SCUBA-themed Vacation Bible School the week of Monday, July 8 through Friday, July 12. We'll meet for a light dinner (optional) at 5:00 pm, and then the program will run from 5:30 to 8:30. Other than the optional t-shirt, there is no charge for VBS, though free-will donations to help defray costs for materials and the dinner will be accepted. 

Registration is open to kids Pre-K through 5th grade. Our junior high and high school youth are invited and encouraged to participate as volunteers (as are our adult members!) Sign up now: 

VBS Registration

VBS Volunteer Signup

We're also still looking for team leaders. If this is something you would like to know more about, get in touch with Diana or Ikeria - or just sign up and they'll be in touch with you!

Station/Team Leader Signup

Posted by: AT 10:57 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, April 03 2024

Dream with us! Ikeria and Diana want your input! They invite members of all ages to talk with their families and each other about their hopes and dreams for TOL youth and family ministry (from birth on up; this is not just "for the kids"!), along with how they would implement them. Then bring those ideas to share at one of the brief 10-15 minute gatherings, which will meet in the back of the sanctuary on April 14 (after late service) and April 21 (after both services).

Posted by: AT 01:57 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, April 03 2024

VBS will be 5:30-8:30 pm July 8-12. Registration for kids and volunteer team members will begin on April 28...but we're looking for Station Leaders and Team Leaders now! If you are ready, willing, and able to take a leadership role, please fill out this quick and easy form: VBS 2024 Station Leader Sign Up. If you have any questions at all about VBS or what the leadership roles entail, please contact Diana at or Ikeria at

We're hoping to have team leaders in place by the time registration opens on April 28! 

Posted by: AT 01:49 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, April 03 2024

Kids Pre-K through 5th grade are invited to “dive into friendship with God” at our SCUBA-themed Vacation Bible School! VBS will be held at Tree of Life from Monday, July 8 through Friday, July 12. We'll kick off each evening at 5:00 pm with a light supper, then the activities will start at 5:30 and conclude at 8:30.

Registration will begin on April 28, and we’ll start looking for volunteers then, too! 

Posted by: AT 01:44 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, March 12 2024

Join us for worship with Holy Communion on Maundy Thursday, March 28, at 7:00 pm. 

Join us for worship on Good Friday, March 29, at 7:00 pm.

Posted by: AT 03:04 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, February 22 2024

Tree of Life will be the site for a Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center blood drive on Sunday, March 17 from 9:00 am - 1:30 pm. The blood drive will be set up in the Fellowship Hall. If you are an eligible donor and ready to give the gift of life, please sign up for your preferred time online at (There's also a signup sheet in the Narthex you can use if you're not able to set an appointment online; if the spot is already full when we go in to set up your appointment, we'll be in touch about an alternate time).

Posted by: AT 12:41 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, February 22 2024

We are now into Lent. We hope you'll join us for our Midweek Lenten worship each Wednesday evening at 7:00. Our theme this year is "Decluttering Your Life and Making Time for God." And this year, instead of doing Holden Evening Prayer every week, we'll be changing up the musical content of the services:

  • Feb. 21 - Holden Evening Prayer + Decluttering Your Life topic: Your Time
  • Feb. 28 - Tree of Life Band + Decluttering Your Life topic: Your Stuff
  • Mar. 6 - Taizé + Decluttering Your Life topic: Social Media
  • Mar. 13 - Evening Prayer/Vespers + Decluttering Your Life topic: Living Simply
  • Mar. 20 - Holden Evening Prayer + Decluttering Your Life topic: Addiction
Posted by: AT 12:39 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, November 16 2023

Tree of Life will offer two Christmas Eve Candlelight services on Dec. 24. Join us at our 3:00 pm service or our 7:00 pm service - or both! All are welcome. 

Posted by: AT 03:16 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, November 16 2023

The season of Advent begins on Sunday, Dec. 3! Join us for worship on Dec. 3, 10, and 17 for the First, Second, and Third Sundays of Advent with our regular Sunday worship at 8:00 and 10:30 am (with the 10:30 service available on Facebook and YouTube for those who aren't able to attend in person). 

The Fourth Sunday of Advent falls on Dec. 24, which is also Christmas Eve. Our Sunday morning worship that week will be online only. We hope you'll enjoy that worship service in the morning, then join us for Christmas Eve worship later in the day. 

Posted by: AT 03:11 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, June 20 2023

The Movie Night on June 7 was a lot of fun. So much so, in fact, that we’re doing it again! Join us for fun and fellowship on Wednesday, June 28 at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall. We'll enjoy popcorn and other "movie snacks" and have a generally supercalifragilisticexpialidocious time! We hope to see you there! 

Posted by: AT 11:45 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

    Our mission is to invite, inspire, and include all people in Christ's love.

    Tree of Life Lutheran Church 
    3201 North Loop 336 West
    Conroe, TX 77304 
    © 2021, all rights reserved